Musings on Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy Journeys

Transcendent or Difficult. Both journeys are welcomed and full of healing potential. I’d like to share some musings that came while holding space for a recent dosing session in a Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy (KAP) group about potential journeys. Maybe you don’t know what it is to feel pleasure, joy, rest, nurture, peace. Maybe you can’t imagine […]

Creating Safety in Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy Groups         

Safety is paramount in any therapeutic setting, and here at Sacred Wellness, we prioritize this from our very first session in Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy groups. One of the first things we do in our initial preparation session is establish group rules. We open the discussion by asking group members what they need to feel safe in […]

Goals and Intentions in Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy Groups

We talk a lot about goals and intentions in our Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy groups. The reality is that your psychedelic therapy experience starts the moment you begin to explore the possibility. You will start to ask yourself deep questions and search for expansive meaning. You will begin to examine your life and evaluate your longings. It […]